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+1 972-645-4321

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We help you Generate Passive Income & Create Generational Wealth.

You work hard. Work hard day and night to make ends meet. To save for your children’s education, to take that much-needed vacation, to save for retirement, and in the interim LIFE HAPPENS. Let us work with you to break these shackles and be prosperous, be tax efficient so that you are keeping most of your money so that you can be financially free.

Our Philosophy

Feeding your WHY?

You forget to take care of your present to take care of your future. We were caught in a similar rat race and even after making decent money, which we invested in the stock market, we were getting dismal returns of 6-8% on average. With inflation and tax, the gains almost dwindled to nothing

We then learned how to invest SMART (S – Single Family Rentals or Short Term Rentals or Self Storage, M – for Multi-Family, A – for Apartment Buildings, R – for REAL ESTATE or Ret ail, T – for Tax Efficient). Will love to share the knowledge and bring you along for the riches. The riches that life has to offer, the happiness that you experience when you prosper, the fulfilment and joy that you feel when you have more time and financial freedom to do what you love to do the most.

Generational Wealth

Grow your wealth, keep it, compound it, enjoy it and leave it for generations to come. We are happy to bring you along on this journey to become financially independent and leave a legacy for your kids, your family and your community. Talk to us to learn more.

Asset Class Guidance

Diversification is key to risk mitigation. We are well-versed in the pros and cons of each of the alternative asset classes. There are different strategies and reasons to use one asset class vs. the other. There may be reasons to use one asset class in one type of account or a different asset class in another.

Although we are not your CPA, your Lawyer, or your investment advisor, we can generally talk to you about our experience with these asset classes, how we have benefited from them, and used them, and what fund options we have to offer.

Multi Generational Planning

The key to generating wealth, keeping it, and eventually passing it down to your heirs is advanced planning. If you die without an estate plan your family could be left with millions in tax bills and your life’s savings could be consumed by probate, gift, and estate taxes rather than be enjoyed by your loved ones.

We are not tax professionals or trust attorneys or financial advisors, however, we can tell you about how we plan on leading a tax-free life on retirement including leaving a legacy for our family and the kids once we are gone.

What Our

Investors Say

Our investors are our partners, our extended family. They trust us and have put their hard-earned money into our hands to nurture and

grow, just like they are nurturing and growing their own life, their families, and their communities. We talk to them often and thank them for their love and support. Here are some glimpses of their love for us.


We have now grown to over 100+ members of our Happy Family

What Our

Investors Say

Our investors are our partners, our extended family. They trust us and have put their hard-earned money into our hands to nurture and

grow, just like they are nurturing and growing their own life, their families, and their communities. We talk to them often and thank them for their love and support. Here are some glimpses of their love for us.


We have now grown to over 100+ members of our Happy Family

Our Partners

Multi-Asset Generational is a diversified private equity

fund that enables passive income and generational

wealth-building strategies.

The fund invests in varies asset classes inclusive of real estate, tech-focused startups, and other alternative investment classes. To learn more about our investment strategy, our asset selection criteria as well as our due diligence process, book an appointment with our leadership team.


5729 Lebanon Rd,

#144210, Frisco,

TX 75034


Mon – Fri

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM CST


(972) 645-4321


© 2024 Multi-Asset Generational

All material presented herein is intended for information purposes only.